Forehead Reduction Surgery

Forehead Reduction Surgery

Forehead Reduction Surgery

Average length of stay 1 week
Length of stay in hospital 1 night
Operation duration 2-4 hours
Anesthesia General Anesthesia

Everything you need to know about Forehead Reduction Surgery in Turkey

A forehead reduction is often performed to treat conditions that come with aging. Forehead reduction surgery may be done in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures to achieve a more harmonious facial appearance. People can get a forehead lift for the treatment of some hereditary characteristics. Young adults with low eyebrows or deep eyebrow lines caused by stress can benefit from this procedure.

Step by Step Guide to Forehead Reduction

First of all, forehead reduction or hairline reduction surgery begins with the surgical drawing. The doctor makes the surgery drawing before going to surgery. Next, the surgery is performed under general anesthesia, and an incision is made along the hairline. The incision is made unevenly inside the hairline to prevent a straight scar. Straight marks are more prominent than curved ones. The blade is also held in such a direction that your hair begins to grow along the scar six weeks after surgery and becomes almost invisible.

Then, the forehead is removed at the hairline. The scalp will then be moved towards the back of the head and pulled forward as needed. Usually, 1-1.5 cm advancement does not cause any problems. The scalp is then fixed to the bone using bio absorbable material and degrades over time.

The Benefits of Forehead Reduction Surgery

With forehead reduction surgery, you can get a lower forehead and get rid of forehead lines to remove excess skin on the forehead. In some cases where the forehead is longer than normal, people resort to hairline reduction surgery as it can reduce the length of their forehead.

Does Forehead Reduction Surgery Have Any Side-effects?

General side effects associated with forehead reduction surgery can be: 

•    Scar 
•    Temporary numbness in the scalp, 
•    A scar on the operation area (can be minimized with hair transplantation).

Forehead Reduction Recovery and Outcome

The recovery time for a hairline reduction will be as follows:

•    4 to 5 Days for hairline reduction
•    8 to 9 Days for both hairline reduction and hair transplant (recommended)

If hairline reduction surgery will not be performed at the same time, hair transplant surgery is recommended after 3 months.

After the process of the surgery;

• The day of the procedure— On the day of surgery and the next day, you may feel mild pain or discomfort that can be managed well with painkillers provided by your doctor.

• First week: In the first week, there may be some swelling and bruising, but it may not be noticeable. If staples have been used, they will be removed after seven days. Patients coming from abroad can return to their homes on the same day. Staples can be removed by a general practitioner in their home country.

• Following weeks –
- Sutures - Absorbable stitches on the hairline will fall off after 2–3 weeks.
- Scarring - After about six weeks, small hairs will start to grow through the scar and become less visible.
- Numbness - All patients experience numbness in the front of the scalp. Sometimes there is a feeling of itching during the recovery period.
- Temporary hair loss - Within 2-4 weeks after the operation, there may be some thin hair loss in front of the scalp. This is called "effluvium." Hair comes back after three months. Sometimes after surgery, doctors recommend using 5% Minoxidil in the anterior part of the scalp. This spray can reduce potential fallout and allow hair growth that may have fallen out and grow through the incision faster.
• Complete healing - Complete healing is expected after 12 - 18 months when the scar reaches full maturity. There is a visible scar but is usually too pale to be noticed even after a year.

How Much Does Forehead Reduction Cost?

You can leave your phone number to us on our website, and the Medco HealthCo team will get in touch with you to draw up a free treatment plan and cost estimate.

Who is the Right Candidate for Forehead Reduction Surgery?

We strongly recommend that you consult a cosmetic surgeon before deciding on a forehead reduction or hairline lowering surgery. If you meet these criteria, you can undergo this procedure: 

•    You wish to have a lower hairline and smaller forehead,
•    If you have sagging of the forehead due to age



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