


Average length of stay 5 days
Length of stay in hospital 1 night
Anesthesia General Anesthesia

A Detailed Introduction to Liposuction Surgery in Turkey

Liposuction is a standard, moderately painful procedure that can help you get rid of stubborn fat pockets that diet and exercise cannot reduce.

Step by Step Guide to Liposuction:

Liposuction procedure is usually done under general anesthesia. In some cases, local anesthesia can also be used. Options include local anesthesia, intravenous sedation, and general anesthesia. Your doctor will suggest you the best option.

  1. At first, diluted local anesthetic is given to reduce bleeding and trauma.
  2. A thin, hollow tube or cannula is inserted through the incisions to loosen excess fat using a controlled back and forth motion.
  3. The displaced fat is then sucked from the body using a surgical vacuum or syringe attached to the cannula.
  4. Your improved body environment will become apparent when the swelling and fluid retention commonly experienced after liposuction decreases.

The surgery usually takes up to 3 or 7 hours, and you need to stay overnight at the hospital after the surgery.

The Benefits of Liposuction Surgery:

So what are the benefits of Liposuction? You can see the list of benefits below;

  • Liposuction can improve the shape and contour of your body by reducing fatty areas, generally known as problem areas,
  • It can help or eliminate lipomas, which are benign fatty tumors in certain parts of the body,
  • It can help men with gynecomastia (when an excessive amount of fatty breast tissue develops in men) by removing fatty breast tissue,
  • It can help treat lipodystrophy syndrome, a fat metabolism disorder with excess fat in some parts of the body but never in others,
  • As long as the weight of the patient does not increase significantly after the procedure, the effects of Liposuction can be very long,
  • Liposuction can improve your general health due to the weight lost during the procedure,
  • You can see the immediate results. Besides swelling that may take several weeks to subside, improvements are immediate,
  • Since you need to maintain the result of Liposuction results, it can help you get better habits such as exercising and having a good diet,
  • It can improve a person's well-being by improving severe imbalances and abnormalities in the body's appearance. Although it is not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle, it can make you feel good.

Does Liposuction Have Any Side effects?

Like in every surgery, liposuction surgery complications are possible. Possible liposuction surgery problems include:

  • Bruising,
  • Change in skin sensation that may continue,
  • Fluid accumulation,
  • Infection,
  • Poor wound healing,
  • Swelling.

You need to consult with your doctor, and make sure your doctor informed you with every side effect.

Liposuction Recovery and Outcome:

  1. You may feel mild discomfort and expect to see bruising, redness, and swelling after the procedure. Prescription medications prescribed by your doctor should help relieve your discomfort. 
  2. Your doctor may ask you to wear a compression garment to help reduce swelling and promote healing. 
  3. By the end of the first week, the swelling will begin to subside, but you should continue to wear compression garments until the fourth week, or unless otherwise stated. 
  4. The swelling can last as long as six weeks, yet you'll be comfortable enough to return to work within a few days. 
  5. Within two weeks, you can go back to your everyday activities.

How much does Liposuction cost?

You can leave your phone number to us on our website, and the Medco HealthCo team will get in touch with you to draw up a free treatment plan and cost estimate.

Who is the right candidate for Liposuction?

Liposuction is the most suitable method for candidates who are not overweight but have an area where they feel uncomfortable and want to look different. This area can be anything with fat stores: cheeks, arms, thighs, stomach, buttocks, arms, etc. Liposuction helps to solve the problems that come with aging when the face and neck begin to unite.

We strongly recommend that you consult a cosmetic surgeon before deciding on Liposuction. You may be a candidate for Liposuction if you meet these criteria:

  • Adults who have fair skin elasticity and muscle tone who are within 30 percent of their ideal weight,
  • Healthy people that do not have medical conditions that can interfere with recovery,
  • Non-smokers.



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